Salad Plate: Carolina Wren
$37.00 -
Small Serving Dish: Chipmunk #3
$195.00 -
Small Serving Dish: Clover
$195.00 -
Large Serving Dish: Clover
$225.00 -
Pasta Bowl: Quail Nest
$440.00 -
Large Round Platter: Honey Bee
$700.00 -
Set of 3 Jars: Woodland #2
$240.00 -
Fish Platter: Pine Branch
$360.00 -
Small Round Platter: Artichoke
$350.00 -
Salad Plate: Rooster
$37.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Maple Seed
$26.00 -
Jug with Handle: Fiddlehead Fern
$330.00 -
Jug with Handle: Magnolia
$330.00 -
Utensil Cup: Red Fox
$115.00 -
Utensil Cup: Chipmunk #2
$115.00 -
Utensil Cup: Suffolk Sheep
$115.00 -
Utensil Cup: Hereford Cow
$115.00 -
Ornament: Angus Bull
$34.00 -
Ornament: Hereford Cow
$34.00 -
Ornament: Chipmunk #3
$34.00 -
Ornament: Fox Portrait
$34.00 -
Ornament: Hedgehog #2
$34.00 -
Ornament: Hedgehog #1
$34.00 -
Set of 3 Jars: Farmyard
$240.00 -
Large Vase: Quail
$230.00 -
Large Vase: Fox Portrait
$230.00 -
Tumbler: Angus Bull
$52.00 -
Tumbler: Chipmunk #1
$52.00 -
Tumbler: Chipmunk #3
$52.00 -
Tumbler: Hereford Cow
$52.00 -
Tumbler: Suffolk Sheep
$52.00 -
Tumbler: Fox Portrait
$52.00 -
Large Serving Dish: Hedgehog #2
$225.00 -
Large Serving Dish: Fox Portrait
$225.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Hedgehog #2
$26.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Hedgehog #1
$26.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Chipmunk #3
$26.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Chipmunk #2
$26.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Chipmunk #1
$26.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Red Fox
$26.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Fox Portrait
$26.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Four-leaf Clover
$26.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Suffolk Sheep
$26.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Angus Bull
$26.00 -
Sauce Bowl: Hereford Cow
$26.00 -
Salad Plate: Hedgehog #2
$37.00 -
Salad Plate: Fox Portrait
$37.00 -
Salad Plate: Red Fox
$37.00 -
Salad Plate: Chipmunk #1
$37.00 -
Salad Plate: Chipmunk #2
$37.00 -
Salad Plate: Chipmunk #3
$37.00 -
Salad Plate: Suffolk Sheep
$37.00 -
Salad Plate: Angus Bull
$37.00 -
Salad Plate: Hereford Cow
$37.00 -
Salad Plate: Clover Buds
$37.00 -
Oblong Serving Dish: Hedgehog #1
$195.00 -
Oblong Serving Dish: Red Fox
$195.00 -
Oblong Serving Dish: Chipmunk #2
$195.00 -
Small Serving Dish: Hedgehog #2
$195.00 -
Dinner Plate: Angus Bull
$53.00 -
Dinner Plate: Hereford Cow
$53.00 -
Dinner Plate: Suffolk Sheep
$53.00 -
Mug: Hedgehog #2
$52.00 -
Mug: Chipmunk #3
$52.00 -
Mug: Chipmunk #2
$52.00 -
Mug: Chipmunk #1
$52.00 -
Mug: Clover Buds
$52.00 -
Mug: Fox Portrait
$52.00 -
Mug: Red Fox
$52.00 -
Mug: Suffolk Sheep
$52.00 -
Mug: Angus Bull
$52.00 -
Mug: Hereford Cow
$52.00 -
Oval Platter: Suffolk Sheep
$230.00 -
Oval Platter: Hereford Bull
$230.00 -
Oval Platter: Chipmunk #3
$230.00 -
Fish Platter: Hedgehog #2
$360.00 -
Fish Platter: Red Fox
$360.00 -
Large Round Platter: Red Buck
$700.00 -
Pasta Bowl: Clover
$440.00 -
Pasta Bowl: Chipmunk
$440.00 -
Pasta Bowl: Red Buck
$440.00 -
Salad Plate: Honey Bee
$37.00 -
Salad Plate: Wood Fern
$37.00 -
Salad Plate: Jumping Orca
$37.00 -