Precious Peonies
13th Aug 2014
Peonies are one of my favorite flowers. I started planting them in my yard some years ago and they have now reached a stage where they are large and full and can be relied upon to put on a spectacular show. I love them for their fullness and delicate beauty both in the yard and in a vase. Because they are so ephemeral I sometimes find it hard to cut them down, though.
This summer I volunteered to donate a number of my vases filled with bouquets for a local event. As it happened, my peonies where in bloom so I gladly gave them for a worthy cause.
The next day we had a heavy rainstorm and it was a peony massacre! I wished I had cut them all down and filled my house. I suppose these are the big choices you have to make when it comes to gardening! The take away? Life is short, so enjoy the flowers while they bloom. Sharing them is even better.